اوقات سحر و افطار

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ختم سحری
05:37 AM
وقت افطار
06:31 PM
Health Lifestyle

2 doctors suspended, barred from private practice after medical negligence in Sopore

Srinagar, Feb 06 (KNO): Jammu and Kashmir government on Thursday suspended two doctors after alleged medical negligence at a private hospital in Sopore, where a woman, admitted for ear surgery, reportedly had her uterus removed instead. Earlier, operation theatre of the hospital was also sealed after the incident. According to an order, a copy of which lies with news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), Dr Anjum Nazir, Consultant Gynaecologist, SDH Sopore and Dr Tariq Ahmad Dar, Medical Officer (Diploma in Anesthesia), DH Bandipora have been suspended.They have also been banned from engaging in any form of private practice across Jammu & Kashmir until further orders.The order also stated that the operation theatre of Hakeem Sonuallah Hospital has been sealed until the completion of the investigation—(KNO)

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